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The Full Story


Campton Village Dam
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2021 was a tough year, as was 2020, and frankly, I don't know that 2022 will be much better, but that doesn't mean we can't keep an eye on the future as we work in the present. Sustainability being a term thrown around lots in the past year, and we are no different. It is our hope to continue with a sustainable business model and support our community and the world with our practices. Here are some benchmarks from the last year.


In 2021 we started using Dam Power! yes that's right, the Campton Dam generates electricity. While it isn't enough to power the town, we have in fact contracted with a provider to buy the power from the Campton Dam to keep the lights on and the beer being made. Strangely, hydro-electric power is not considered a renewable energy source...but no matter, the Dam Brewhouse doesn't have any oil or coal being burned up to keep us powered up.


We spend lots of energy heating and cooling at the Dam Brewhouse.  We are constantly trying to reduce our carbon footprint through the use of Geothermal cooling.  Being fortunate enough to have the original town wells on the property, we use the old well water to chill or hot process.  We also use a heat pump to chill our new tasting room walk in cooler.  This heat pump keeps our new walk in colder and does it for less energy than our older walk in which is half the size. 


2.5:1 Water use. Industry wide, it takes on average 5 gallons of water to make a gallon of beer. We are between 2 and 2.5 gallons of water to make a gallon of beer. That is industry leading water use. We have the state's best drinking water, and we don't want to squander the amazing water we have.


Land use. Valley Malt sent a great letter describing our support through the purchase of malts from Valley Malt. And they introduced the SqFt Project. This project helps describe how our malt purchase helps local farms, local food security and a more sustainable system of agriculture in the northeast. Take a look here!We also purchase grain from Blue Ox Malt house and the Maine Malt house and we have just taken delivery of 700 pounds of malted barley grown in New Hampshire. It is exciting to use some of the VERY limited amount of barley grown in NH to create some interesting beers.


With the sqft project calculators, we calculate it takes 5 square feet of farmland for EVERY pint of Freestyle we sell. It takes 3.5 feet of land for every Dam Delight. We have joined the Northeast Grainshed Alliance so you will hear more about our relationship with the land and farming in the future.


Honestly Craft Beer production is in a precarious position with our main ingredients of barley and hops struggling with new warmer drier weather conditions, and loss of almost 1/4 of last years harvest from weather and fire.  know we are doing our part to conserve our natural resources and protect the environment in which we live.

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